Design and Analysis of Wireless Power Transfer Charger for Electric Vehicles


Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems play a fundamental role in accelerating the advancement in road-powered electric vehicles. It is in the way of omitting the requirement for large storage devices since cars can be charged while moving, as well as enabling the possibility of self-driving cars charging without the need of human intervention.

Despite the advantages that WPT systems offer, they still suffer from several drawbacks. However, lower distance and full alignment between transmitter and receiver are basically the main conditions to have a WPT system operating at a high efficiency, but they can be always controlled and maintained at perfect conditions.

In this webinar, we will see some design challenges posed by WPT used in electrical vehicles and how the use of a double sided LCC compensation circuit can help to improve the efficiency of the WPT. Several simulation scenarios will be covered, and you will, also, learn how to perform a Multiphysics simulation using EMS.

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