Studying fringing effects of electric field using EMS for SOLIDWORKS

Wednesday, March 10, 2021
02:00 PM CET, 01:00 PM GMT
02:00 PM EST, 07:00 PM GMT



Simulation of human head exposure to mobile-phone antenna radiation using HFWorks inside SOLIDWORKS

Thursday, March 18, 2021
02:00 PM CET, 01:00 PM GMT
02:00 PM EDT, 06:00 PM GMT



Electric field simulation of high voltage bushing and insulator systems inside SOLIDWORKS

Wednesday, March 24, 2021
02:00 PM CET, 01:00 PM GMT
02:00 PM EDT, 06:00 PM GMT




Electromagnetic simulation of planar and flyback transformers using SOLIDWORKS

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Introduction to magnetic simulation in EMS for Inventor

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How can HFWorks help you to design an implantable antenna inside SOLIDWORKS

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Design and Simulation of a Compact Planar Micro-strip Crossover for Beam forming Networks using HFWorks for SOLIDWORKS

In this article, a compact planar crossover is designed using the CAD SOLIDWORKS and simulated using the full wave 3D simulator HFWorks. An S Parameter analysis is conducted to investigate the electromagnetic behavior of this structure.

The compact planar crossover example is formed of a square micro-strip patch excited by four perpendicular micro-strip lines. The square patch comprises two perpendicular rectangular slots and four arc-shaped slots. The resonance frequency of this structure is 2.4 GHz.

HFWorks results are generated and compared to measurements. they are showing a good agreement. The return loss is greater than 10 dB for 2.3 - 2.54 GHz while the insertion loss is less than 1 dB. The isolation is more than 13 dB.

The distribution of the electric field at the resonance frequency 2.4 GHz is computed using HFWorks under 1W as power excitation. More Details


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Montreal, Quebec, H8S 4L8, Canada.