EMWorks Newsletter 2017






HFWorks 2017 is a Gold Certified plugin for SOLIDWORKS. The 2017 release comes with several new features and updates. Some of the salient enhancements include:

- New automatic adaptive mesh feature.
- Thermal coupling.
- Frequency dependent material properties.
- Manipulation of electric results in 2D plot using a new curve    operation feature.


EMS 2017 is a Gold Certified plugin for SOLIDWORKS. The 2017 release comes with several new features and updates. Some of the salient enhancements include:

- AC Electric solver supports dielectric loss tangent.
- View vector plot on a section only.
- Possibility to continue running a solved analysis without losing  existing results in coupled thermal, parametric and transient   analyses.
- Easy to flip the direction of current in coil definition. .

  Read about all the enhancements

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  Read about all the enhancements

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DesignCon 2018


Booth #104

Tuesday, January 30, 2018




Booth #510

Sunday, February 4, 2018


Motor & Drive Systems 2018

Orlando, Fl

Booth #301

Thursday, February 8, 2018


Inductor Design for Power Electronics Applications Using EMS

02:00 pm EST, 07:00 pm GMT

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Minimizing cogging torque in a skewed stator BLDC motor

02:00 pm EST, 07:00 pm GMT

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


  Join us for a free one day seminar to learn how EMS and HFWorks can help you design better products, reduce prototypes and get to market faster.  



November 3, 2017
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Santa Clara, California, USA


November 10, 2017
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA


December 1, 2017
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Pontiac, Michigan, USA


December 8, 2017
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Temp, Arizona, USA



Design and Simulation of a Bluetooth Antenna for Wearable Devices Using HFWorks

Wearable technology is often mirrored as one of the greatest applications of the Internet of Things(IoT). This branch of smart electronics is the epitome of emerging IoT applications. Nowadays, smart watchesare one of the most common wearable devices. Usually, the Bluetooth protocol is used to secure connection between the smart watch and another device. In this article, a Bluetooth antenna for smart watches is designed with SOLIDWORKS and simulated using the full wave simulator HFWorks.

  More Applications here


Nobel Prize Honors U.S. Scientists for Helping Us Understand Our Biological Clock

This year's Nobel prize in physiology or medicine has been awarded to the three U.S. scientists who identified the gene that controls circadian rhythms in plants, animals, and humans. These rhythms can affect everything from an organism's sleep patterns to its metabolism.



Static electricity explained using EMS for SOLIDWORKS

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