Symmetry Boundary Conditions in HFWorks

By BayAnn Jlidy | 02/09/2014
HFWorks is SolidWorks-embedded for high frequency applications. High frequency problems tend to be quite large because they are inversely proportional to the wavelength. Therefore, it is essential to take advantage of symmetry, when it exists, and apply the appropriate boundary condition. Several HFWorks users have asked for a clarification about this issue. There are two and only two types of symmetry B.C.: Perfect magnetic conductor symmetry: applicable when the electric field is purely tangential, i.e. magnetic field is purely normal, on the plane of symmetry. Perfect electric conductor symmetry: applicable when the electric field is purely normal, i.e. magnetic field is purely tangential, on the plane of symmetry. Below is an illustration on a rectangular waveguide: symmetry